
Timeseries - Predictive maintainance system

Bangalore, India, 2017

  • Implemented an unsupervised machine learning algorithm for time series data on Spark, HDFS, and MongoDB
  • Engineered a real-time prediction model on Spark Streaming and Kafka, that scaled the performance by 100X
  • Collaborated with a team of 3, developed a web interface to monitor and train the system using Python, AngularJS2

Domain Specific Knowledge Graph

Bangalore, India, 2017

  • Developed an Information Extraction system to convert text into knowledge graph on Spark, Scala and Cassandra
  • Remodeled graph construction algorithm to avoid super nodes which reduced average query time by 20%
  • Created knowledge graph CRUD REST API, Web interface to train, test and integrate with external applications

Demo Manager

Bangalore, India, 2017

  • Developed a Manager friendly web interface to maintain client demo’s running on AWS servers.
  • Received Above and Beyond award, and Demo manager application got adopted across all the teams in the company.

Autonomous Asset Management

Bangalore, India, 2017

  • Coordinated and led a team of 3 to implement a real-time infrastructure management system to monitor 3M assets
  • Eliminated manual monitoring of assets by introducing rule-based mining engine to identify anomalies

TPCH queries benchmarking

Bangalore, India, 2017

  • Performed benchmarking of Apache Spark and Hortonworks spark distribution performance on TPCH queries on a 2000 core cluster(AWS).

Apache Log Analzyer (Hackathon)

Bangalore, India, 2016

  • Formulated a real-time apache log analyzer pipeline to provide statistical insights from log messages
  • Collaborated with a team of 4 to implement the pipeline on Kafka, Spark Streaming, Elastic search and Kibana

Hybrid Web Scraper

Bangalore, India, 2016

  • Designed and built a configurable k-level hybrid Web scraper that extracts documents and loads into MongoDB
  • Increased speed to 1.31 folds by re-designing and implementing as distributed web scraper in Spark and Scala

C Compiler using Python Scripting

IIT, Jodhpur, 2015

  • Developed a C-Lex code for tokenizing a given code, developed a python code for parsing these generated tokens
  • Implemented Top down parsing LL(1), LR(1), operator precedence and two buffer techniques.
  • Integrated compiler optimization algorithms like loop optimization, Global optimization and Prescient store optimizations

Prototype of MS Paint

IIT, Jodhpur, 2013

  • Developed a prototype of MS paint along with detailed SRS document and UML diagrams
  • Using pygame and tkinter, implemented utilities like pencil, eraser and predefined polygon shapes
  • Implemented features like saving an image, reopening and editing existing images

Artificially Intelligent Air Traffic Control software

Bangalore, India, 2012

  • Developed an artificially intelligent air traffic control algorithm and implemented using python scripts
  • Documented SRS document, UML diagrams along with user case diagrams for the same.
  • Designed a user interface for the same for testing this algorithm using python GIU libraries pygame
  • Implemented a multi-threaded version of the application, eliminated GIL issue by using Jyhton instead of Cyhton